Saturday, January 31, 2009

Disaster, AKA How Not To Brew Beer

Hello everyone!

I've calmed down a little. I'm starting to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, that life does indeed go on. But I didn't feel that way less than 24 hours ago. Yesterday evening turned out to be one of the most horrific, disastrous evenings of my entire life. And while I may be able to move on and continue with my life, the scars will always be there. I will never forget.

It started innocently enough. In fact, things were going quite well until the incident. I had invited over my brother, Matt, and the two of us set out to brew a batch of "Blackbeard Oatmeal Stout" beer, using ingredients that we had picked the day before. I'm far from an expert home brewer--as you will soon see--but this recipe looked straightforward and simple enough, so I wasn't worried. Maybe I should have been.

We gathered our supplies and went to work. It started out surprisingly smoothly. We placed 1/4 pound of Dark Crystal Malt, 1/4 pound of Chocolate Malt, 1/4 pound of Roasted Barley, and 1/2 pound of Flaked Oatmeal in two quarts of water that was carefully heated to 165 degrees, and we steeped the grains for 20 minutes, just like the recipe directed us. For you novices, malt is a grain (in this case, barley) that is put in water to begin germination and then immediately dried in an oven. This brings out the sugars, which can then be drawn from the grain through steeping, and the resulting "tea" can eventually be converted to alcohol during the fermentation process. Here's what our batch looked like:

The steeping of these grains creates the basis of the beer or ale, which is called wort. Wort is essentially beer before it gets fermented. It's very sugary and sticky, and it has no alcohol yet.

After the steeping was completed, we poured the remaining liquid into the enormous five gallon boiling pot, straining out the grains. We left the spent grains in the strainer and poured another two quarts of water, this time heated to 170 degrees, over the grains and into the boiling pot, again following the directions carefully. This step is called sparging. Basically, the point is to get as many sugars out of the grains as possible. More sugars = more flavor and more potential alcohol.

Next, we added 6 1/2 pounds of Dark Malt Extract and 1 pound of Dry Dark Malt Extract to the wort. Malt extract is basically a concentrated version of the stuff we made on the stove. It's very sticky and gooey with a consistency like molasses or honey. The dry malt extract was powdery, and this was the first time I'd ever used the dry kind. We then added enough water to make about 3 gallons total, and brought the whole concoction to a boil. Both types of malt extracts dissolved easily enough, as they were supposed to, and everything was going as planned. Once the wort started to boil, we added 1 1/4 ounce of Perle Hops, which were in a small, meshed baggie, and let the whole thing boil for an hour. Among other benefits, hops give beer its unique, bitter flavor to balance out the sweetness of the grains. Despite the assertions of the assclowns at Keystone, bitter beer is not at all a bad thing. Also, practically every beer comes in a "specially-lined can." It's all just a clever marketing ploy to keep you from thinking about how crappy their beer is.

Anyway, since there isn't much to do during the hour-long boil, we sat down with Cathy and had some dinner, and we pretty much just hung out and made small-talk the whole time. Things were going exceptionally well, a little too well.

Just before the hour was up, we cleaned and sanitized the carboy. The carboy is a big, five gallon glass bottle in which the fermenting takes place. Sanitizing is the worst aspect of brewing in my opinion, but it has to be done. If there's any bacteria or anything weird in the carboy, the beer could end up tasting weird, or it could even end up going bad or not fermenting properly. So everything the beer comes in contact with after the boil has to be sanitized. Before and during the boil are not such a big deal since the boiling kills any bacteria in the mix.

Once the hour of boiling was finished, it was time to pour the wort into the carboy and wait for it to cool enough to add the yeast. We positioned the carboy on the floor, and Matt stood there carefully holding the funnel while I poured the wort. Amazingly enough, I managed to pour all 3 gallons (which was actually probably closer to 2 gallons after boiling for an hour) into the carboy without spilling a drop.

And then it happened.

I heard a sound that I had never heard before. It was somewhat like a dull, popping sound, almost like when a champagne bottle's cork pops off, but deeper and more dull sounding. It was immediately followed by a "glug, glug, glug" sound, and I watched a thick, heavy, dark brown liquid rapidly gushing out of the bottom of the carboy, spreading across the kitchen floor. I realized right away what had happened. I was supposed to put some water in the glass carboy before pouring in the wort. You remember the wort, right? The liquid I boiled on the stove for an hour? The liquid that I had let cool for all of maybe three minutes before pouring it into the glass container?

While the carboy's glass is very thick, even it can't handle the nearly-boiling wort, particularly since we had sanitized it with cool water just a few minutes prior. Here's the thing: I was supposed to put a gallon or so of cool water in the carboy or directly into the wort in the boiling pan before pouring it into the carboy. I forgot this step. It was a very, very, very crucial step, and I forgot.

I screwed up royally.

I thought of all this as I watched the wort spill all over the kitchen floor. And for the first few seconds, I actually thought, "No problem, we can still make this work!" But that only lasted a couple seconds before reality set in. I stood there realizing that three hours of work--not to mention about $80 worth of carboy and ingredients--had just gone down the drain. Except the wort hadn't really gone down the drain; it had gone all over the floor. And I stood there like a jackass holding an empty boiling pot while Cathy and Matt scrambled to gather every towel we owned to try to soak up 2-3 gallons of the sticky, gooey mess.

It went everywhere. Fortunately, we own a lot of towels for some reason. We soaked up what we could, and the we used every towel in the house, including the two outside in the cat's box. We then immediately washed the them in the washing machine, and there was enough to fill two loads. At one point, Cathy discovered that there was more wort behind the stove. So I moved the stove, which was surprisingly easy to do, and we found some back-up towels to get as much as we could of what was left. It's a good thing that there was more linoleum underneath, or the disaster would have been even more disastrous.

Believe it or not, this was taken after most of the wort was soaked up. I apologize for not having more photos, but we were fairly busy at the time!

So then we spent the next hour or so with our crappy Swiffer (that we realized after we bought it only works with Swiffer brand cleaning fluid and Swiffer brand cleaning pads) unsuccessfully trying to clean up the sticky layer the wort left on the floor. After several Swiffer sessions, we took my brother home, and what a great Friday night he had! We then went to Rite Aid--where my shoes made a sticky sound on the floor when I walked--and picked up a mop and some Pine Sol. I mopped everything twice with the Pine Sol, including under the stove, and things were still sticky when we walked on it this morning, so we had to mop yet again. There are cracks in the corner behind the stove that are probably now sealed with malt extract. I bet the ants are going to have a field day this summer.

Here's what's left of my carboy:

This photo was taken this evening. Notice how shiny our floor is now!

I spent the rest of last night drinking Black Butte Porter and generally feeling like an idiot. I do feel somewhat better now, however. I'm done wandering around the house absentmindedly saying, "That sucks!" If there's a bright side to all this, the area behind and under our stove is probably cleaner than it has been in decades. And of course, I will never again make the mistake of pouring boiling hot wort into a carboy without first diluting it.

As far as the Oatmeal Stout goes, I ain't no quitter! I'm going to try again next weekend. Stay tuned.


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Friday, January 30, 2009

The Unthinkable Happened

Hello everyone!

Tonight, I made what just may have been the biggest miscalculation of my life (besides the time I saw Cops and Robbersons at the movie theater). Tonight's was a disaster of disastrous proportions, to be sure. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Sorry to leave y'all hanging, but I some need time to process the enormity of what happened here in my kitchen tonight.


PS: Don't worry--nobody died or anything serious like that.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

W&F: Stewart and Pounded Puppies

Hello everyone!

My head is feeling much better than it did 24 hours ago. That sounds like if could be a Win! Speaking of which, let's bring it back!

Daily Win and FAIL!

Win: The Daily Show

Here, Jon Stewart proceeds to do what he does best, and that is to provide a platform for our elected officials to make fools of themselves. The guy from Iowa in particular crosses over into Loony-land by suggesting that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed might be let loose on a technicality and somehow apply for US citizenship. It's the same old tired "Be afraid--be very, very afraid" crap that these imbeciles are known for. He skillfully manages to combine "Fear the Muslim terrorists!" with "Fear the foreign immigrants invading your neighborhood!" I guess he couldn't find a way to tie Guantanamo to gay marriage. FAIL!

Oh wait, this was supposed to be a Win! Sorry, but I do a much better job at complaining. Anyway, this Daily Show clip is a Win!

FAIL: "Pounding" puppies

This is completely messed up:
Oregon couple sentenced for sexually abusing German shepherd

Story Published: Jan 28, 2009 at 10:28 AM PST
By Associated Press

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A southern Oregon couple who videotaped themselves having sex with a German shepherd mix were sentenced Tuesday to 60 days in jail and ordered not to own animals during their two years on probation.

Steven Baker, 54, and Kim Baalbergen, 50, of Klamath Falls pleaded guilty to sexual abuse of an animal, a misdemeanor. Prosecutor Cole Chase said be believes it's the first time anyone in Oregon has been fully prosecuted under that law.

Chase said Baalbergen performed oral sex on the dog and received oral, vaginal and anal sex. He said Baker received anal sex.

Baker sold three videos for $12,000 to a company in Amsterdam. Each video netted $4,000.

"Their friends in another jurisdiction run a Web site that includes bestiality and said 'Hey, you guys can make some money doing this, and it's great fun too,'" Chase said.

The pair were lodged Tuesday at the Klamath County Jail. Following their release, they will have to perform 40 hours of community service.

The dog, Max, had to be killed.

"Because of the way it was taught to interact with people, it couldn't be placed in another home," Chase said.

(Copyright 2009 The Associated Press.)
Seriously, I can't even make jokes about this aside from the "pound" puppies joke from earlier. I wouldn't even have made that joke, but I spent over 15 minutes trying to think of something to put there that wouldn't attract perverts who are into getting it on with Rover, and so that's all I could come up with.

This whole thing is nauseating, and the worst part (out of many bad parts) about it is that the poor pooch had to be put down.

Yet these people are only spending 60 days in jail with two years probation. Meanwhile, people caught with small amounts of pot are getting life sentences, thanks to the "three strikes you're out" laws. A 17-year-old tested positive for pot while on probation for stealing $2 at gunpoint, and now he's serving a life sentence. But these two sacks of crap abuse an innocent dog that had to be put to sleep, and they get a slap on the wrist. Maybe Jon Stewart is dead wrong, and maybe our system of justice has indeed failed. FAIL!

fail owned pwned pictures

Sorry, but when I saw this photo, I had no choice but to post it. Would you expect otherwise?


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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Forget Waterboarding--Going to the Dentist Is Torture!

Hello everyone!

Earlier today I had planned on writing a big, fantastic posting, but then I went to the dentist (a different one than last time) and had my teeth cleaned. Now my entire head hurts and throbs so much that I'm having trouble stringing two thoughts together. I'll try to be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, here's a link to a posting I did the last time I want to the dentist, so you can deduce for yourself how I feel now. The photo in the original posting was embedded, and apparently the site it came from no longer exists. So here's another version of it (if memory serves me correctly):

And here's a photo from my visit today:

That was the guy before me. He kept on wailing and howling. What a crybaby.


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Monday, January 26, 2009

The Guy Who Thinks Everyone Is Deaf

Hello everyone!

I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Billy Mays. No, I'm not talking about Willie Mays. No, not Willie Mays Hayes, nor Robert Hays. I'm talking about this ignoramus:

Anyone who watches television on a semi-regular basis has seen, or rather "heard" this blockhead screaming at the viewers to buy the latest plastic piece of crap. And if you call now, he'll throw in two additional plastic pieces of crap for only $19.95! CALL NOW!

Each time I hear him yelling and carrying on, I have an uncontrollable urge to throw a brick through my television. The only thing that's saved my TV is the fact that I don't have any bricks handy, so the worst thing that happens is that a throw pillow gets, well, thrown at the guy's stupid, yelling face.

Yet, I'm oddly fascinated by him. And it turns out I'm not the only one. Apparently, he's developed a legion of followers, and for your viewing pleasure I've compiled comments from his fans that I've found right here on the Internets...
His talent of being able to shout at a conversational level is nerve grating. -Cal

When one of Billy Mays's commercials comes on the screen I either mute the tv or change channels. I'll be glad when he has run his course! -James L Thomas

Billy Mays is the most obnoxious whining, screaming asshole on TV and he’s getting rich doing it. Shows how idiotic the citizens of this country are. -Harvey

Billy Mayes must be corrupt as the companies he advertises for. -Robert

The guy drives me BATTY! I’ve been known to dive across another person to reach the mute button! -Mike P.

What an irritating SOB! -RJ

I have an allergic reaction everytime I hear this abrasive, loud, obnoxious voice. -Helen Barak

Billy Mays is nothing more than a modern day snake oil salesman. -Paul

I initially wondered if he was hearing-impaired as that sometimes accounts for speaking so loud but apparently he is just a loud, abrasive guy. -Daura

I hope someone gets irritated enough to start some sort of “ban Billy Mays” movement. I will join in a heartbeat if it has the possibility of removing this irritant from my living room. -Roger

After much thought, over many years, I still cannot, for the life of me, understand just where Billy Mays' credibility is supposed to come from. -Dave

Why a greasy-looking loudmouth with a belligerent tone should appeal to anyone who’s looking for cleaning products mystifies me. -Smithy

I’m so sick of his screaming and mangy looking beard. -ann

I mute him as soon as I hear his voice. My concern is that I may miss a product that automatically mutes him at the first sound of his voice. That’s what I want for Christmas. -Marty R

Billy, GET LOST and take the Geico Caveman with you -Roger Williams

You sir are a sales prostitute. -Bob Marbs

The only thing worse than listening to Billy Mays is having to listen to George ‘W’. -Chuck

How many tubes of [Mighty Putty] would you need to putty Billy Mays mouth shut? That's all I want to know. -otto

Billy Mays is a knob. -eschoendorff
Not only is he widely adored, but he has also rescued Christian peace activists in Iraq. True story.

Billy Mays

Billy Mays. A true American hero.



Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Bacon Explosion: Keeping Cardiac Surgeons Everywhere in Business

Hello everyone!

Two things I appreciate very much are creativity and a sense of adventure. No, this isn't the start of an online dating service ad. I'm talking about food recipes.

As many of you know, I haven't eaten even a titbit of land-based animal flesh in over ten years. That means no beef, pork, chicken, turkey, venison, moose, elk, bear, yak, goose, duck, frog legs, pigeon, or any type of roadkill whatsoever, at least as far as I know, since there is always the possibility that some recipe might have called for some chicken stock or something similar in something I ate at some restaurant at some point. Who knows? The point is that I do everything reasonably possible to avoid eating land-based animal flesh.

I do, however, make an exception for fish and seafood. As Kurt Cobain said, "It's okay to eat fish/cause they don't have any feelings." This would technically make me not a vegetarian, but a "pescatarian," for those keeping score. And no, pescatarians are not people who go to that church near Home Depot, either.

The reasons for my dietary choice are varied and not something I want to get into here because invariably whenever the subject comes up, someone tries to convince me that I should eat this or I should eat that. I've never understood this. What makes people think they should try to seek out and exploit my non-existent dietary allowance loophole?

I understand the idea that if I'm doing something that's not good for me, people who care about me might try to convince me to stop. But in the case of my diet, the opposite seems to happen. When I smoked cigarettes for over 13 years, nobody gave me nearly as much of a hard time over it as people do when they find out I don't eat beef, pork, or fish. In fact, out of people I've discussed the subject with, a much greater percentage of carnivores have given me crap over not eating land animals than true vegetarians or vegans have given me over eating fish and seafood or eggs and dairy. It's the strangest thing.

Anyway, over the past ten years I've noticed that land-based animal flesh, particularly red meat, makes me somewhat nauseous whenever I smell it being cooked. Bacon is not too bad, but that's because the hickory smoke smell overpowers the scorched pork fat smell. The prospect of eating beef, pork, chicken, etc. is a bit revolting to me. I'd happily eat meat if I were starving, but I'm not, so I won't.

It wasn't always that way. Just 12 years ago in my warehouse worker days I regularly had lunch at Burger King, and it usually consisted of a Double Bacon Whopper with Cheese meal, king-sized, of course. Back then, I'd practically eat anything that could reasonably be called food. And I was as carnivorous as one could be.

But there are some food concoctions out there that even me of 12 years ago would've had second thoughts about eating, or even attempting to eat, such as six pound burgers, chicken fried bacon, and many other types of deep-fried food that should never be deep fried.

Then I came across the Bacon Explosion.

I'm speechless. Just click on the above link if you don't know what I'm talking about.

Creative? Absolutely. Adventurous? If Mt. Everest was located on the South Pole, climbing it backwards while blindfolded and then BASE jumping off the peak in the nude while getting a tattoo wouldn't be as adventurous as eating one of these.

I suppose it's not intended for one person to eat the damn thing, but I'd bet my last dollar that someone, somewhere is going to try if he hasn't already. And I know I just did something I'd bust one of my students for doing: using non-gender-neutral language, but I feel confident saying that if someone is going to try to eat four pounds of barbecued pork, that someone is a man, baby.

I have to admit, however, that the creativity and sense of adventure used by the inventor of the Bacon Explosion has gotten some wheels turning in my brain. I showed this to Cathy and asked her if we should try it with Smart Bacon and Tofurkey Italian Sausage. She was up for it, but now that I think about it, it's probably sacrilege to even attempt it.

No, I'll leave the Bacon Explosion to those adventurous carnivores, or to those looking for a clever, tasty way to commit suicide.


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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Excuses, Excuses

Hello everyone!

Apparently, a passing mention of a three day weekend turned into a seven day weekend, or at least a seven day break from posting here on my blog. I know I said I was going to try to post everyday, and I've kinda half-assed tried to do so, but lately I've been having mixed feelings about the whole thing. I mean, what is the point of posting something if it's crap? Just so I can say I posted something every day? On the other hand, one of the reasons I started blogging in the first place is to keep me motivated to write something, anything, warts and all, so maybe that's the point. On the other, other hand, another reason I blog because I enjoy doing so. But sometimes when I force myself to blog every day, it feels more like work than fun, and more like another obligation than a hobby I enjoy.

Also, the Daily Win and FAIL format has been a lot of fun, but sometimes I feel pressed to come up with something, usually on the FAIL end of things, just so I can have something to write about. Then I end up complaining about something that really isn't much of a big deal, and I feel like too much of a complainer. Then again, I'm currently complaining about complaining, so there you go.

This is my dilemma. Should I post every day, regardless of whether or not I have something interesting to say? Or should I only post only when the mood strikes me, when I have the time and desire to put in an appropriate level of effort into it? Which is better, quantity or quality? Readers?

Lately, the idea of posting only if I really, really have something to say seems to be winning out, hence this past week of silence. Of course, it doesn't hurt that I have naturally lazy tendencies, either. I guess I'm learning what being a professional writer is like (except I'm not getting paid for this), so in that sense: Mission Accomplished!

I guess I'm just trying to justify my lazy tendencies since I no longer have school to blame for my not posting. Fortunately, I've found the perfect excuse for my absence, as well as anything else I need a scapegoat for, "Teh GAYZ!":


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Friday, January 16, 2009

DW&F: New 'do and Bad Poetry

Hello everyone!

Well, it's the start of a 3-Day Weekend (At Rancho Bebop), and I'm really thankful for everything Martin Luther King Jr. did because it means that he not only helped make life much less shitty for black people, but he also gave us a good reason to take an extra day off in the middle of January. We sure could use it.

Actually, I already have Mondays off, but that's because I'm a loser with a part-time job. But this time Cathy has Monday off as well, which means that we could go do something fun together. Or not.

Daily Win and FAIL!

Win: Cathy's new 'do

It's always scary when someone gets a haircut, particularly when it's a somewhat drastic haircut like Cathy got. I mean, it's not like she got a buzz-cut or anything, but it is significantly shorter. But I like it. I think it looks great, and I think she looks great. I think she likes it as well, which makes it an all-around Win!

FAIL: Bad poetry

Here's a photo of some prose written on the wall of a bathroom stall at Lane Community College:

For the benefit of those who can't read it, here's a transcription provided by Yours Truly, free of charge:
I learn all day in the Halls
and drink so much coffee I
bounce of the walls
Then I come to these
Hallowed stalls
To sit and shit
and scratch my balls
I don't exactly fancy myself a poetry critic, but there a few things about this poem that warrants a FAIL! First off, I don't think much learning occurs in the halls of LCC because 1) there aren't very many halls on campus, and 2) because the learning tends to take place in the classrooms, in the tutor center, and on the bus, but rarely ever in the halls, and certainly not all day long. Secondly, there was a golden opportunity in this poem to connect drinking a lot of coffee to later spending a lot of time in the stall, but this opportunity was completely wasted. Also, if someone is going go through the trouble of rhyming four words, at least he (I suppose it could be "she," but this was in the men's room) could arrange the stanzas accordingly. Finally, black ink pen is a waste of time because it will be gone in a couple days or so (well, more like a month with the short-staffed LCC facilities crew--not that it's their fault). If you're going to "post" poetry in the bathroom, use a pen knife or box cutter so future generations can enjoy your work. On second thought, non-permanent is probably the way to go with this poem. FAIL!

fail owned pwned pictures
Look, I realize that it's only a community college and I shouldn't hold the students up to university standards. So let's bring in an expert critic, shall we? What does Cleocatra have to say?

This poetry lacks the sophistication of other bathroom works, such as "Here I sit broken hearted." I'd give it a thumbs down if I had thumbs. Now either feed or pet me, you lazy jerk!

Well, I'd better get going. See you next time!


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Thursday, January 15, 2009

DW&F: Water Landings and Hearings for What?

Hello everyone!

You know, I've learned something. Posting something new every day is tough! Even using the rerun technicality still requires that I post something.

But just because it's tough and just because I've occasionally posted reruns does not mean that I don't enjoy doing this. Um, that last sentence included a lot of negatives, and I'm not sure if I got it right, but what I'm trying to say is that I enjoy doing this, and so I'll keep at it until I no longer do.

And if you were hoping that I'd stop sometime soon so that you can find a much better blog to follow, you're out of luck.

Daily Win and FAIL!

Win: Amazing landings

Well, this one was pretty much a no-brainer. In case you've been living under a rock, some airline pilot (who will most likely be on the Today Show and Letterman in the next couple of days) managed to land a passenger jet on the Hudson River today--and nobody died!

I heard this story, and all I could think about was a bit by the late, great George Carlin about the safety speech the flight attendants give before your flight takes off:
The safety lecture continues. "In the unlikely event of a water landing . . ." Well, what exactly is a water landing? Am I mistaken, or does this sound somewhat similar to CRASHING INTO THE OCEAN!? ". . . your seat cushion can be used as a flotation device." Well, imagine that, my seat cushion... Just what I need -- to float around the North Atlantic for several days -- clinging to a pillow full of beer farts...
A plane that crashed and nobody died? A news story that reminded me of a Carlin bit? Win!

On a wing and a prayer?

On second thought, that was the lamest thing I've ever written on this blog or anywhere else. Let's move on before I have to FAIL myself.

FAIL: Congressional hearings over football?

This is unreal:
The incoming chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform said Wednesday that he will hold hearings and possibly subpoena NCAA officials, college presidents, players, coaches and athletics directors in effort to force a playoff in the Football Bowl Subdivision.
Look, I know that lots of people love football. I know that it's an American tradition. I also know that there is often controversy at the end of the NCAA season over who is the number one college team (what football has to do with higher education I'll never understand, but whatever). So I am approaching this with the mindset that since I'm not much of a football (or sports in general) fan, maybe I just don't understand. Maybe I simply don't realize how crucial and important deciding the number one college football team is.

But I can't help but wonder if holding hearings over this is really the best way Congress should be spending its time. In fact, here are just a few things that to me seem a bit more important:
  • The economy
  • Two wars
  • Torture
  • Global warming
  • Unemployment
  • Corporate political influence
  • Poverty
  • Universal health care
  • Renewable energy
  • Marriage equality
  • The manipulation/fabrication of "evidence" to start an illegal war
  • Environmental degradation
  • Education
  • Nuclear proliferation
  • Frankenfoods
  • Israeli aggression
  • The erosion of Civil Liberties
  • Globalization
  • Child/domestic abuse
  • Exploitation of sweatshop labor
  • Decriminalization of marijuana
  • Taser deaths
  • Reproductive rights
  • Puppies and kittens that need loving families
These are ones that I (with a little help from Cathy) thought of off the top of my our heads, without doing any research. To us, they seem relatively important, even more so than the football playoffs. To Congress, it's, "Nah, let's talk about football playoffs instead."

I'm trying to come up with some sort of response to this, and I'm actually speechless (writeless?). There's only one thing that comes to mind: FAIL!!!

These football players never have to worry about falling victim to the stereotype of the "dumb jock" so long as Congress is around for comparison's sake.


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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Another Rerun

Hello everyone!

Here is another encore presentation, this time of a vacation in New England that we took a year and a half ago.

Sure, this may be another rerun, but look at it this way: at least I went through the trouble of letting you know that it was a rerun! Otherwise, you might not have even known!

And for those of you who might be thinking that this whole link to a rerun thing is a cheap technicality that keeps me from posting something new yet still allows me to keep my promise of posting every day, well... okay, you're right. But let me remind you, this author doesn't exactly merit compensation for the effort he puts forth!


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Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Hello everyone!

I decided to take the day off. So in my absence, please enjoy an encore presentation of the posting about our trip to Tahoe and Yosemite. See y'all tomorrow!



Monday, January 12, 2009

DW&F: One Week and The Last Press Conference

Hello everyone!

I'm tired and grumpy, so let's get right to it:

Daily Win and FAIL!

Win: One week

That's right. There's only one more week left of the disastrous Bush regime. One week. It's a sort of light at the end of the tunnel thing...

Something tells me this week is going to seem like several months.

Nevertheless, while I know the next four years will be light years ahead of the last eight in terms of leadership, I do realize that there's really nowhere to go but up. Whether or not Obama does a good job remains to be seen, but, while he certainly is a skilled politician, I don't think even he can do worse than Bush even if he tried. The scary thing is I don't think Bush was trying to suck so badly.

Of course, anything can happen in one week, particularly with this idiot and his cabinet. So we're not in the clear just yet. Still, the end is nigh! Win!

FAIL: The Press Conference

Just go here. If you want to see clips, just Google it. I'm too tired and exasperated to seek it out for you.

Where to begin? 9/11. According to Bush, it didn't matter what he did, the pundits would've been critical. So he decided to bomb the wrong country and leave one hundred thousand to one million or more dead. Gee, for some reason I think the press would've been less critical if he hadn't done that.

Then there's Katrina, which left almost 2,000 people are dead and over $80 million in damages, not to mention a major city was almost completely destroyed. Heck of a job, Brownie, right? But Bush decides to talk about how he was criticized for flying over the city and not landing, and how if he would've landed, it would've diverted crucial resources. Now, I've had many beers since 2006, but as I recall, the problem wasn't so much that Bush flew over New Orleans, but that people were dying while Bush celebrated John McCain's birthday and acted like a fool with a guitar. But what do I know?

And of course, there's the whole economy in the crapper problem. This one is a bit personal to me since I'm looking for a job and hardly anyone is hiring. According to Bush, this whole thing isn't his fault because there was a recession when he came into office and there is a recession now. Today, I heard that we're on track to have the longest recession since World War 2. I know Bush has been around for a while, but I didn't realize he was elected during World War 2. I guess time flies when you're out of work!

Besides these three issues, Bush's press conference was essentially about how he's the greatest president since Lincoln and that we're so fortunate that he's been our president because things are so much better now than they were eight years ago. Unfortunately for Bush, he is the only one left so delusional to believe that, including his staff.

But hey, it can't be that bad for him. I doubt the Democrats will have the spine to prosecute him, as well as Cheney, Gonzales, etc. for their war crimes. So the lesson here is that you shouldn't break the law unless you are the president or have political connections (but don't have sex with an intern). And that's a shitty lesson for the president to be teaching. FAIL!

In fact, everything about this administration has been a FAIL!


Goodbye and good riddance!


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Sunday, January 11, 2009

DW&F: McMenamins and Belgians

Hello everyone!

I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to keep up the Daily Win and FAIL! I've enjoyed doing it, but I've found that there have been other things I've wanted to blog about, but either I couldn't or I had to try to turn it into a Win or FAIL since I'm somewhat committed to this format. I'd still like to try to blog every day, and maybe I'll do an "Occasional Win and FAIL" instead of a daily one. Who knows.

Daily Win and FAIL!

Win: McMenamins

I love McMenamins, and I love that Eugene has three of them. We've recently rediscovered McMenamins East 19th Street Cafe, and treated ourselves to dinner there tonight. They had their Porter on Nitro, which is always a pleasure, and we finished our dinner by sharing a Terminator Stout Milkshake. Win!

FAIL: Belgian Style Ale

I picked up a 6-pack of the latest of the Widmer Brewers' Release series, this being the W '09 Belgian Style Ale. I usually don't like Belgian brews, but I've had great luck with the W '08 and the W '07, so I thought I'd give it a shot. The upshot: I still don't like Belgian brews. But I'll finish this 6-pack, particularly because growing up I was taught to finish whatever I start. FAIL!

Beer Fail funny picture


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Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Joke about Testicles...

Hello everyone!

I don't know if you're getting burnt out reading the Daily Win and FAILs, but I'm already starting to get burnt out writing them. Sometimes I've struggled to come up with something, so the quality has gone downhill, in my opinion. Also, they've tended to be a bit self-indulgent. But that's okay--this is a blog, after all. Besides, I'm not getting paid for this.

Anyway, I thought I'd spend today reposting a joke that I came across on the Internets. I had to change it around a bit to fix some typos and, since the original took place in Canada, I felt the need to "Americify" it, but I didn't change the gist of it:

An elderly woman walked into the Bank of America one morning with a purse full of money. She wanted to open a savings account and insisted on talking to the president of the bank because, she said, she had a lot of money.

After many lengthy discussions (after all, the client is always right) an employee took the elderly woman to the president's office.

The president of the bank asked her how much she wanted to deposit. She placed her purse on his desk and replied, "$165,000." The president was curious and asked her how she had been able to save so much money. The elderly woman replied that she made bets.

The president was surprised and asked, "What kind of bets?"

The elderly woman replied, "Well, I bet you $25,000 that your testicles are square."

The president started to laugh and told the woman that it was impossible to win a bet like that.

The woman never batted an eye. She just looked at the president and said, "Would you like to take my bet?"

"Certainly," replied the president. "I bet you $25,000 that my testicles are not square"'

"Done," the elderly woman answered. "But given the amount of money involved, if you don't mind I would like to come back at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning with my lawyer as a witness."

"No problem," said the bank president confidently.

That night, the president became very nervous about the bet and spent a long time in front of the mirror examining his testicles, turning them this way and that, checking them over again and again until he was positive that no one could consider his testicles to be square and reassuring himself that there was no way he could lose the bet.

The next morning at exactly 10 o'clock the elderly woman arrived at the president's office with her lawyer and acknowledged the $25,000 bet made the day before that the president's testicles were square.

The president confirmed that the bet was the same as the one made the day before. Then the elderly woman asked him to drop his pants so that she and her lawyer could see clearly. The president was happy to oblige.

The elderly woman came closer so she could see better and asked the president if she could touch them. "Of course," said the president. "Given the amount of money involved, you should be 100% sure."

The elderly woman did so with a little smile. Suddenly the president noticed that the lawyer was banging his head against the wall. He asked the elderly woman why he was doing that and she replied, "Oh, it's probably because I bet him $100,000 that around 10 o'clock in the morning I would be holding the balls of the President of the Bank of America!"


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Friday, January 09, 2009

Stunt Doubles

Hello everyone!

I don't have a Daily Win and FAIL for today. Sorry.

However, if you need something to do to make up for the lack of a blog posting for today, I recommend stopping by World O' Crap, Overheard Everywhere, and The Nietzsche Family Circus. Just think of them as my stunt doubles: standing in for me while I rest up in the trailer.



Thursday, January 08, 2009

DW&F: Facebook Fun and Foul Language

Hello everyone!

Night #2 of sleeping on the new bed went just as well, if not better, than the first night. But I once again had a tough time getting out of bed in the morning. Like the night before, it wasn't that I was still tired, but that the bed was so wonderfully comfortable that I didn't want to leave. I hope I don't end up with a job that starts extremely early in the morning because it will be hell getting out of bed. I realize that companies sometimes scour the Internets to screen their applicants, so if you're reading this because you're thinking about hiring me, I assure you that if hired I'll regularly show up on time! I just might not like it too much. But that's why I have this blog--so I can complain about it here and get it out of my system before coming to work. That way you won't have to hear my complaints! I can't think of a better reason to hire me!

Speaking of which, I'm back in a bit of a routine, except instead of school work, I'm job searching and filling out applications. It's a bit exhausting and draining, not only because of the application process (I abhor bragging about myself, and I feel that's what resumes, cover letters, and applications are all about) but also because there is hardly anything available right now in terms of work. Fortunately, I still have my tutoring gig, which I really enjoy, and Cathy has a great job with excellent benefits for both of us (no bennies for tutors), so we're not in trouble at this point. This means that I can still be somewhat choosy about the jobs I apply for, and as a result, all the jobs that I've applied for thus far (or plan on applying for) are ones that I could actually see myself enjoying. It's a really nice feeling.

But the main reason I'm looking for something other than tutoring is that we'd like to buy a house someday, and my measly tutor salary isn't enough to save for a down payment. So I fill out application after application and mail and/or electronically submit resume after resume, all the while hoping someone will call me for an interview. It's not much different than turning in paper after paper and waiting impatiently for the grade, just like I did in school. Good times!

Daily Win and FAIL!

Win: Facebook fun

I went through a MySpace phase not too long ago. It was great fun for a bit because I was able to connect with people I hadn't seen in a while, including some I hadn't seen or heard from since my high school days. But eventually I got frustrated by its annoying graphics and ads, as well as having to enter a CAPTCHA for damn near everything, and so I started messing around with Facebook. And I was able to get back in touch a whole bunch more long-lost friends, as well as staying in touch with local friends who, for whatever reason, I rarely get to see anymore.

Most of my "Facebook friends" who I haven't seen in a really long time are people I went to high school with in Michigan. I've communicated with some of them, and it's been fun if not awkward. I also have other "Facebook friends" I knew in Michigan--some fairly well--who I've only extended an invitation to be friends with (or they with me), but we've never really communicated otherwise. I've really wanted to send each of them a message or just say, "Hi," but that just seems too awkward and uncomfortable. So I've done squat.

It's really strange because in all this I often find myself experiencing the same insecurities I had when I was back there back then, as well as emotions I haven't felt since then. I also catch myself sometimes slipping into the same behavioral patterns I had back then during my recent interactions with the "Facebook friends." It's pretty disconcerting. In a way, I feel like some part of my past that I was fortunate enough to get away from once I left and headed west is now coming back to haunt me in a way. I am very much aware that I didn't like that time very much for a variety of reasons, most of which had little to do with the kids I went to school with. But most of all (not to sound like a cliche) I didn't like myself. I was a jerk. I know that's difficult to believe. Okay, maybe not so difficult. In my defense, however, I have to say that I really didn't know any better. I thought that's how people were supposed to act, or at least how men were supposed to act.

Some of my schoolmates in Michigan were people who treated me like shit back in the day. I also treated some many of my schoolmates like shit, though usually not the same ones who treated me that way. So this whole Facebook thing is a blatant reminder of so many things I wish I could take back.

I really think people who say they have no regrets are assholes. I learned a lot from my mistakes, and they led me to where I am now, so I wouldn't change a thing in that regard. But dammit, I hurt a lot of people who didn't deserve to be hurt, and that's what really gets to me, and it's what I can't let go of. Although all this stems from a period in my past that seems like a lifetime ago, I also realize it's as much a part of who I am now as anything, so I can't simply just ignore it.

Wait a minute!

Wasn't this supposed to be a "Win!"? How did we get sidetracked with all this Oprah crap?

Sorry about that.

Anyway, the original point of all this was was to simply point out an interaction with a couple of my Michigan "Facebook friends" that happened over the past couple days, which I thought was "Win!"-worthy.

A girl I went to school with (who I'm sure is a currently woman in her mid-thirties with a daughter, but she was a high-schooler the last time I saw her, so I can only think of her as a "girl") posted a status update (for you non-Facebookers, a status update simply allows you to tell your "Facebook friends" how you're feeling or what's on your mind, as well as allowing your "Facebook friends" to respond with comments). Her status update lamented the ridiculousness of all the corporate-sponsored college football bowl games with the sponsor's name in the bowl tile by "wondering when the Kraft Mac and Cheese Bowl is going to debut." Of course, being who I am, thought of a million responses but settled on this:

"I'm waiting for the Kotex Cotton Bowl..."

Yes, not my best work.

As soon as I hit the "Comment" button, I felt a pang of regret. How would she take it? Would she be completely offended and think I'm just some creepy, inappropriate jerk, or else some one who's trying to be funny, but, like Dennis Miller as a football commentator, FAILs miserably? Would she regret ever becoming my "Facebook friend"?

Suddenly, I was again transported back to high school. I went to a small school, and so everyone more or less knew everyone else. But she was two grades ahead of me, and I wasn't close to her. Also, that was almost a lifetime ago, so even though she seemed to have a sense of humor twenty years ago, she could've lost it since then. Furthermore, everyone else who was friends with her or with me would also see my comment, so I began to wonder what would they think? Would her "Facebook friends" wonder who she was "Facebook friends" with and decide to no longer be "Facebook friends" with her, causing her to hold a grudge against me for the rest of our lives and become some creepy stalker who chops me up with an axe while screaming about how I ruined her Facebook life?

Okay, I really didn't worry about that last part, but you get the point.

Anyway, I considered deleting the comment. But if someone comments on your Facebook, you get an email and tells you what the comment was. This meant the damage was already done, and I would just have to face the music. Fortunately, there was another person in my class who is apparently even more inappropriate than I am, and he commented on my Kotex Cotton Bowl comment by saying:

"I heard it's a real bloodbath."

Awesome! Suddenly, my inappropriate comment looked downright appropriate next to that one! I was instantly off the hook, like when you go to a party and get a bit tipsy and say something stupid and you're all embarrassed, but then someone else tries to start a fight, knocks over a lamp, and then pukes all over the couch, and at that point you realize nobody is going to remember the stupid thing you said and you're in the clear. Yes, just like that. Win!

FAIL: Naughty Language on TV

Here's what I'm talking about...


Isn't that just terrible? I only have one question:

Why would these fine, upstanding people, particularly Grover and Mr. Rogers, say all those naughty words? I guess being on TV just proved to be too stressful.

That's why I stick to blogging.


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Wednesday, January 07, 2009

DW&F: Hons and Murder

Hello everyone!

The new bed was definitely a Win! I really had a tough time getting out of bed this morning because it felt so nice curled up in new bedding on a new, comfy mattress. I woke up slightly sore, but still miles ahead of what I was used to feeling in the morning. And who knows, I may even wake up well-rested and without any soreness at all after a few nights. I love it, and so does Cathy! But instead of taking the easy route and using this for my daily Win!, I'm going to describe something amazing that happened a few days ago...

Daily Win and FAIL!

Win: A grocery store full of "hons"

The other day, Cathy and I went to the grocery store. We were in the produce section, which was very crowded, and we used teamwork to gather and forage for food. Our goal was simple: get in and out of the store as quickly as possible. I knew Cathy had the list, but I couldn't remember what was on it. She was maybe 20 or 30 feet ahead of me, so I called out:

"Hey, hon?"

And immediately, no less than eight other customers--at least two of them men--stopped what they were doing and turned toward at me, as if they thought I was talking to them and they were the "hon" I was referring to! Of course, I had a bit of a spring in my step afterward knowing that so many people wished they could be my "hon." Sorry, folks, I'm taken!

FAIL: Murder

Another unarmed person was killed by a cop. This time, the man was on his belly being restrained and possibly handcuffed, and he was shot in the back by the cop. Also, this time several people caught it on video. And once again, it was a young black man who was killed. What was his crime? He was on a subway in which a fight broke out, and he may or may not have been involved.

Predictably, people are now rioting in the Oakland, where the murder happened. And of course, just as predictably, people are now outraged by the riots. But I don't see how an entire group of people could be expected to have respect for the law when the law clearly has no respect for them.

Yes, rioting is bad and destructive, and I'm a peace-loving pacifist who's against violence in all forms, regardless of whether it's directed toward people, animals, or inanimate objects. But I also realize that groups of people who are oppressed tend to respond with violence eventually. If the message being sent to me is that people of my race (including my spouse/friends/family members/myself) can be shot and killed for no good reason, then you bet I'd be pissed. But beyond that, I don't know how I'd react or what I'd feel compelled to do, and neither does anyone else who's not in that situation.

Of course, that same rationalization can also be applied to cops. But cops are supposed to serve and protect, as well as keep the peace, and they failed miserably on both counts, first by killing another unarmed person, and second by establishing a level of distrust so high that people are out rioting.

And don't get me started on the bogus excuse that's already being thrown around about how the cop simply thought his gun was a Taser. If that gains any traction, look for the "I shot my wife because I thought my gun was the TV remote" defense coming soon to a courtroom near you. Besides, why would any cop need to Tase an unarmed, subdued man lying face down?

When your job requires you to carry a belt full of weapons that can hurt or kill others, "my bad" simply doesn't cut it when you accidentally kill someone (if this was an accident). Look, I realize that being a cop is tough. I couldn't do it, nor would I want to. It seems that some cops simply can't handle the stress from the job, but that's no excuse.

Anyone else who gets stressed out at work and commits murder goes to prison, and nobody makes excuses for them. But there seems to be a different attitude when it comes to cops. Why are people so quick to make excuses for them but not others? There's a sort of obedience to authority mindset here that I can't quite put my finger on at this point...

Regardless, far too often it seems that so many aspects of our entire system of justice is incapable of delivering justice. FAIL!

On that note, I'm going to head to my new, comfy, king-sized bed and try to dream of something happier. Good night everyone!


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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

DW&F: New Bed and Dust

Hello everyone!

I'm in a hurry to go to bed soon tonight, so let's not waste any time!

Daily Win and FAIL!

Win: The new bed arrived!

Well, the new bed arrived right on schedule, today. I lay down on it earlier with the cat, who was quite confused this afternoon before the delivery people arrived when she walked into the bedroom and saw there was no bed for her to lie on. But in less than a minute of lying down on it, I was ready to fall asleep and had to get back up. So I'm likely going to have a great sleep tonight for the first time in a long time, but there's the possibility that I might be extremely disappointed tomorrow. On the plus side, this means either my Win! or FAIL! for tomorrow is pretty much predetermined. There's the possibility that my sleep could just be mediocre, but I'm not losing any sleep worrying about that. See what I did there?

The best part, as I mentioned before, is that we've upgraded to a king! And the bed doesn't take up the entire bedroom, like I was worried it would do. Win!

FAIL: The monster under the bed

Before our new bed arrived, I had to move the old one and make room. This is what I found. No, that's not a dead beaver, but just a bunch of dust. Actually, the photo really doesn't make it clear how much is there. Just imagine a lot of dust. As Cathy said, that's not a dust bunny, it's a dust lion!

The weird thing is that I actually clean under the bed! Apparently I missed a spot!

And no, I didn't put that book there--it was already there, and how it got there is a bit of a mystery. I almost didn't see it under the pounds and pounds of dust balls. I should've saved all the dust so that someone who's really into recycling could've used it to insulate a house.

I suppose it could've been much worse. But when I removed the box spring, I swear I heard the vacuum cleaner gulp. FAIL!

sleep fail

Well, that's all folks! Good night and sleep well!


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Monday, January 05, 2009

DF&W: Just For Men Commercials and YouTube Comments

Hello everyone!

Today, I'm going to switch things around, and you'll see why momentarily:

Daily Win and FAIL FAIL and Win!

FAIL: Just For Men commercials

This is why I could never have a career in advertising. I would be surrounded all day by people who think the following commercial was a good idea:

Oh my god, I don't know where to begin. This ad is a prime example of one of the worst aspects of our society, specifically the use of fear in order to get people to do what you want. Here, the marketing staff, instead of simply reminding men that they'll never get laid if they have gray hair, bring in two "lovable and cute" kids to show that if a (presumably single) man has kids, the most important thing he can do is get them a mommy, but the problem is that women (at least the attractive ones) are too shallow to date men with gray hair.

That's where Just For Men comes in and not only saves your nonexistent sex life, but also your children!

Of course, the young girls are left at home alone while Daddy tries to get some, and when he sends them a photo of his lady to the girls' cellphone (because all 8 to 10-year-olds have cellphones), the girls approve. They know nothing about what she's like, what kind of a mommy she'd be, whether or not she would treat them kindly or whip them with a wire coat hanger, or whether or not she would treat Daddy kindly and whip him with a wire coat hanger. All they've seen is a tiny cellphone photo, and all they know is she's pretty and Daddy's hair is no longer gray. Apparently, that's all that matters. Nice.

I suppose it's tough to be anything but shallow when the product you're pimping is hair dye. FAIL!

fail owned pwned pictures

Win: YouTube comments

Here are some examples of comments about the above video from its YouTube page:
neal990 (8 months ago)
Alot disturbs me about this video-
1) what happened to their mom? 2) girls know about dating and think their dad is a "catch" and tell him that 3) where/how did they buy just for men 4) how do they even know about just for men and the stigma attached to grey hair 5) dad picture texting unsupervised girls from date 6) girls having a cell phone

BaltimoreColt (5 months ago)
Thats funny. I didn't find anything disturbing about the commercial until I read your comment. Now I find everything disturbing about the commercial.

neal990 (5 months ago)
What is cute about orphaned or abandoned girls who are too young to have a job or own a cell phone buying hair dye for their dad and encouraging him to date some floozy?

scottoslab (5 months ago)
They cut off the part where the little girl looks to her older sister and says: "I hope dad does not kill his new girlfriend with a shovel like he did with mommy."

goateeqt (5 months ago)
this is hysterical! Pimp yo' daddy, girls!

jtidwell81 (5 months ago)
"dad, u r looking really old so we got u this hair color. now go get us a new mommy!" that is the message plain and simple. that girl in the pink has some really dirty socks.

louseyslags (5 months ago)
There are so many things that are wrong with this advert! Where's 'Real' mum? probably dead as the below poster said, why would you send the picture of the new bird your trying to pound to your girls,and she's alright with it, its abit strange? What kind of shop sell's dangerous chemicals to small children, and where the fuck is the person looking after these children when dad go's out on the razz?
Why have these kids got a mobile? who pay's that bill end of the month. It's a fucking disgrace!

TRWolf (4 months ago)
Most American advert EVER.

TRWolf (4 months ago)
"Please daddy, date someone shallow enough to care about your hair color! She'd make us a great mommy!"

thornibrook (4 months ago)
I bet when the girls showed him that box the father says, "Quiet girls, mummys in the kitchen"

Thunda39 (4 months ago)
ok, where the HELL did these girls get a box of hair color from?

why do they have cellphones?

and why are they home alone while daddy is out on a date?

tell me this.

busterbox (2 months ago)
[...] The only reason this dad isn't a buffoon is because he doesn't do anything in it. In fact, arguably he is a buffoon, if he's so retarded that his young girls are better at getting him laid than he is.

mattbraddock (2 months ago)
it makes it look like if you have gray hair at a younger age then you're too pathetic to get a woman.

Fogg1969 (1 month ago)
That's exactly it, the "stay in the game" tagline is trying to tell greying men that they're unattractive.

Those kids are patronising little bastards, every bit as shallow as their mum who presumably ran off with a younger guy and abandoned them.

ZX2ManDave (2 months ago)
Little did they know their new mommy would soon turn out to be a wicked witch type stepmother.

DoriDori08 (1 month ago)
this ad cracks me up, i bet his wife is only in work. lmao

clugalugs (4 weeks ago)
the advert is so stupid- i mean where the hell did 2 little girls go into a pharmacy without anyone and buy just for men - seriously this would not be allowed.
And the kids are wearing the same clothes from when they first go up to the dad, to when he sends them i picture on his date
And this Irish (or whatever) guy even went so far as to post his own YouTube in response:

Well, it's good to know I'm not the only one who sees the idiocy in this. And it's also good to know that not only do others see the idiocy in this, but they're also willing to publicly proclaim how idiotic it is. Win!


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